Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sparkey Comes to a Friend in a Dream

Hi Keith and Mary,

Sparkey came to me in a dream last night. I was lost and afraid in a vast underground metro system of a strange city (probably Rome) and he came trotting up to me with that big smile and the white tip of his tail waving like a flag. He was in robust health. He helped me to find my way home to __________ by accompanying me as I searched for the bus platform that would get me there. Even though it was after hours and there was a locked door I found a nice man at a service desk who gave me the key that unlocked it. Sparkey and I went down the stairs to the bus stop. I was five minutes late but the bus hadn't come yet and I was going to be o.k. Then the cats woke me up. :-)

So as I was driving to work this morning I felt that I must let you and Mary
know that I had seen him. I think he wanted to say "hi" to you.

Love, Lucinda